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I ave loadsa different m8s but these r my top 10.


1st: Ally May- She hates me calling her ally may. Her real names is Alice May. She's a gr8 m8 and a real laugh. She listens to ure probs and gives u the best advice she can. She is great fun and can always keep secrets. If i'm ever in trouble or lost she helps me and if i'm ever sad she always cheers me up.

Also 1st- Jamie- Everyone calls him a boffer but he's not really. He can always cheer me up and is quite cool (sometimes). He can get a bit annoying but that's what makes him, him. However he's a brilliant, loyal, trustworthy m8.

2nd: Anna- She used 2 b my bessie m8 but she isn't anymore. She's really cool and likes to just have a laugh she's great at sports and she has great fashion sense. She has a great sense of humour and is fun 2 b with.

3rd: Amy P- She's my hillbilly cousin. We have a laugh together and she's totally crazy like me. She fancies the weirdest boys and is really cool.

4th: Pippa- Pippa is cool. She's really smart but isn't a boffer. Even though i'm only in 1 class with her we still have a great time.

5th: Conner- He is really cool and really cute. He's is gr8 at loads of sports. He looks weird in school uniform but he's nowhere near a boffer. He's really cool and really fit.

6th: - Gemma- She's cool too. She is gr8 fun all the time. Even though she has an annoying sister she is gr8 to be with and a gr8 m8. She is brill at keepin secrets and a real laugh to have at sleepovers.

7th: Hannah N- She's is cool and is always jokin (even though she isn't that funny) she has great fashion sense and isGemma2 b with.

8th: Josh- Ive known him 4 ages and even though he's a bit rough he's still cool and a great friend9th: Declan- He is quite strange but he's also funny and a great laugh.

10th: Liz- Shes quite cool. I met her through Pippa and now we're m8s.

Some of my ENEMIES are:




I'm crazy

About me (by Anna Kennett)

Here is a bit about me by my 2nd best friend (you'll see at the top), Anna Kennett:


Zoe is really funny ask her to make u laf and she'll put u in stiches

She is really fun to hav at sleepovers coz  shell allway think of sumfin fun 2 do!!!!

she luvs doin all the same stuff as me like shoppin swimmin and trampolinin shes so like me!!!

even though we arn't best friends were still really good friends and i think zoe is a perfect friend to hav around

she'll listen wen ure worried and make u laf wen ure down so although she might be small she deserves respect



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