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Music teachers suck. Some of them are ok but some of them are horrid. They sing awful all of the time. They tell some 1 of if they splash them with a big puddle. They wear denim hats to try to b cool. They shout all the time. And they call people names. They stink!!!

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Maths Teachers

Maths teachers stink (and i mean literally). When you ask a question certain maths teachers get so close to you they look like they're about to snog you and they also smell of smoke. But then some write horrible comments in your book like: "i told you this two pages ago" or "take notice". And they also give you fake smiles. I'm glad i moved down.

If you have a teacher you want me to put on here just sign the guestbook wiv there name and a bit about them.

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Tech teachers

Tech teachers can sometimes be nice but not computer tech teachers. They have massive eyes and they literally pop out at you when you ask a question. And what's wiv the glasses he should have gone to specsavers. As for the stench phew! They smell worse than the maths teacher

Re teachers
I'm not gonna say that some r.e teachers can be ok cause that isn't entireley true. R.e teachers are one of the worst teachers you can get. For one they're usually fat. And they sit you in a seating plan. They shout at you for having a bit of fun and are totally borin.
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